Thursday 25 January 2018

Job Letter

Thursday 21st November 2017
To whom it may concern,
                                                  I am writing to you about a job application that I have read and how it has a lot of issues with the contract, as it has contractual, legal and ethical problems. The role that the application is for is Apprentice Digital Video Production Producer. The application is not that clear either, the job hours or the salary are not that clear as if two people got this job would they have the same pay and hours or are they going to be completely different, other than that the application is clear to what you are looking for. So I noticed in this contract as well you have a small print that stats that, “you should promote the ideals of the Christian faith and try to encourage young people to contact us for further help guidance.” Although this is good to try and help young people I feel like you should help every no matter of their religious ideals or the age that they are. You also stat that I would not be allowed to apply for other jobs in this area but you are not clear if I am allowed to have a smaller job on the side, also you don’t talk about the confidentiality clauses so does this mean that I am able to talk about my work outside of my department or not this is not clear at all.

So in the application you say you are looking for people that are under the age of 30 years and that you are looking for their religious views to be Christian, This would be an infringement of The Equality Act (2010). This act stats that any no matter what “Discrimination on grounds of race, gender or age is illegal. This is likely to be a consideration when employing staff” And you have broken 2 of the laws that this covers. These are Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 and Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006. So if you were following the law you would interview anyone that would fit the criteria of the job not matter their religious views or age. Also with in the letter you say that the job would be to make a presentations for a no date no rape campaign which stats you have to talk to female victims and male offenders but if you really wanted to talk about it why not talk about how the male gender can be effected by the female gender attacking them. Also if I am need to create a video to apply the person applying could endanger them self and others and wouldn't be put under any protection by your company.

To protect yourself I recommend that you do follow the laws that are set in place and allow people to apply no matter their age, gender, disability or religious belief this way you company cant get a bad reputation from this. Also I would recommend that the video you want made don't just focus on female victims and male offenders as both genders can be either. Also you spoke about having popular music being used this would be a bad idea for you company as it you damage you for using copyrighted music. The only way you can do this is if you buy the rights to the music or if you ask the artist to use their music.

I hope you acknowledge the information that I have provided and re post your advert to avoid getting out of trouble with the law. You can contact me if you need me to talk more of what I have put and hopefully we will talk more.

Yours sincerely,

Kieron Donovan

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