Sunday 17 June 2018

Developing Tech

Satellite TV. 
This is where a broadcasting company sends their programmes to the consumer via satellite. The way this works is they send the info to the satellite in the sky and then it beams down to the consumer hitting there satellite dish allowing the person to watch TV. There are some pros for it which is you are able to watch it no matter where you are and that it is cheaper than cable as you don’t have to dig up the ground to install it. The bad thing about it is if the weather is bad in anyway what you are watching would go down. 
Cable TV. 
This is a system that delivers TV via radio frequency signals through a coaxial cable, or recently through light pulses through fiber-optic cables. The pros for this is it is harder to lose connection than satellite as it is sent through cables underground, however it is expensive to get cable to your house as they must rip up the ground to place it, so it takes a while to get it in your area. 
Analogue TV. 
This is the original television technology that uses analogue signals to transmit video and audio to your television at home. In an analogue TV broadcast, the brightness, colours and the sound are all represented by variations of either the amplitude, frequency or phase of signal. Pro: low cost and can be easily constructed because of less pre-processing requirements. Con: Quality often degraded due to noise, so it becomes like static or snowy. 
Digital TV. 
This is a way of receiving television in a digital format this allows companies to broadcast with better quality sound, higher definition picture and a higher range of channels. Pro: Fast processing, easier for storage, strong immunity to noise. Cons: high bandwidth requirements due to pulse signals, less accurate due to finite set of data 
The internet is used every day by millions to illegally to consume media using sites that have films and television programmes stored on them. It's not easy to stop this as if you were to shut down one domain 3 more would open the only way to stop it would be to stop producing media content. But we can also use it legally to consume as there are sites that give use information for free or if you pay for it. We use the BBC for this with their iPlayer where if you have a TV licence you can watch there shows on their site.  Pros: Can get shows online from companies and they receive money for it. Cons: When films get downloaded/streamed from illegal sites film/tv companies lose out on money as you are viewing their product for free. 
This is the way we can now change the resolution of the video we are watching, or the aspect ratio of the screen so make it fit the screen in different ways. We can even change they type of audio we want, like Cinema audio, Game audio, standard audio and much more. Pros: With this you can change the audio, resolution and aspect ratio to your pleasure as if you were playing a game you would change the audio to fit gaming and the ratio and resolution to the best that your screen can have to get the best experience. Cons: The cons for this is minimal as you can change it to what you would like the only problem is if you lose like your TV remote you can't really change the thing that you have change so you would be stuck with the settings that you have set before. The only way to change this for TVs would be to get a replacement remote. 
High definition. 
High definition this is what we would call HD, and this was a good jump we went from Standard definition (SD). The resolution for SD is 640 x 480 and the aspect ratio is 4:3 and if we were to watch this now most people couldn’t stand it as we went from this to HD which is either 1280x720 or 1920x1080 with aspect ratio of 16:9. Pro: We can see details on a screen to a great deal which means It is easy to view. Also, to watch TV at HD you only need one cable to plug it into your TV, but the TV must have a HDMI port for the cable to plug into which all TVs are made with now, so it should be hard to have this in a TV unless you buy an older TV. Con: So, with the HDMI cable there is limitations which is the length you can get up to 50 feet (15.24 metres) max but these are hard to find in store and online, so the longest people normally go is about 25 feet (7.62 Metres) so you are limited by length. Also, when you switch between channels there can be a delay as it takes time to load up the screen. 
3D is a good way of viewing media as we can feel like we the view are in the action of the film/TV show as the things that we are watching will jump out of the screen. The only way to watch 3D for a while is by using the 3D glasses as this way your head wouldn’t start hurting as the screens that make it, so you can see 3D without glasses start to hurt people's heads. Pro: if your TV is Properly adjusted you can have an excellent immersive and viewing experience. It also turns out that 3D TVs are great 2D TVs as the extra processing the TV needs for 3D also helps the 2D side. Con: The glasses you get with them may help you from getting headaches they are uncomfortable to wear for a long period of time, if you lose the glasses they can be expensive to replace depending if you need certain ones for the TV that you have. 
Pay per view. 
This is a type of pay television service by which a subscriber of a television service provider can buy events to view via private telecast. The broadcaster shows the event at the same time for everyone that ordered it. Pros: The company gets money for the content and helps to cut down on stealing the content. Con: you must pay every time you want to watch something that is on but could be cheaper than a subscription. 
On-demand viewing. 
On demand lets you watch TV or Films Whenever you want this either being that you paid for it or you are watching on your TV provider like Sky how they have a section where you can watch stuff without adverts this way you can get the full thing without interruptions Pro: Don't get adverts while watching the show or movie. Can watch it whenever it is more convenient for you. Con: You have to pay to watch the content without adverts. 
Streaming content. 
Allows people to watch content at any time by streaming it via media players on the internet. You can watch this stuff at any time if you have an internet connection. Pro: Can watch the content at any time of the day no matter where you are. Good quality content with tons of different genres. Con: Must have an internet connection unless the streaming site allows downloads. Can cost a lot of money. 
Digital recorders. 
This is so the viewer Is able to record shows to watch later and you can watch other shows while this happen.  Pros: Can't miss a show if you download it. Watch it when you have time to. Con: Can only download if it is on TV. Can only download a limit of shows at a time. 

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