Saturday 22 June 2019

Working to a brief

Project brief
A brief is something that the client will gibe you. It will tell you what you need to do. The client will tell you in detail what is a must what doesn’t matter but you can and how long that they would like the video. They will also tell you locations of where they want the project to be filmed. Its not just for a client in business ways either you can also be given one for competitions.
This brief is where the client will put out a brief and then companies will approach them with a pitch. This mean the client will get a bunch of views of how others are willing to do the project. Allowing then to pick one that suits their needs. But if you have spent time pitching it and don’t get picked unfortunately you have wasted your time but if you get picked you will now get a bunch more experience.
This is where you would have to follow a set of rules and complete a lot of legal paperwork to comply with the company’s regulations. Often given a contract made by the company that you would have to sign saying that you understand all the rules that they have set you. This will lead to a strict brief meaning you will have fewer creative opportunities over all.
These are very different to a formal brief as it means you can work more closely to the client to create the best outcome together. With theses types of brief there is a chance you already know the person so the chance of you already knowing the person so they deadline may not be as strict meaning the atmosphere is more relaxed.
This means several people have been call upon to make the product that the client has required for you to do. For this communication is the way to go. You would need to communicate more on when you are filming and what you are filming to the others, so they are able to know what they can do to help it cant just be you doing all of the work as that is not what you have signed on to do.

Both of the people involved in this the client and the employee come together and negotiate one what the final idea should be and therefore it means that when creating the product, you are able to take more ideas to making it as you have spoke about what you both think is the best thing for it. With this it also leave a lot more space for creative ideas as you can always go back to the client as tell them why what you want to do will fit with the idea, then they can argue against it or even suggest an improvement to what you have done.

When we did the project for MESH, we had a sit down with Julie from the group and we spoke about our ideas and she put forward some of her, but we were open to do what we really wanted and negotiated that we thought some stuff was needed but other stuff wasn’t.
But this isn’t the only way you can negotiate when it comes down to the media industry as if a project comes to the actor and asks them to portray a character they have but they have only done that cos of the background like there race or religion that actor can negotiate themselves into a better role or get a really good pay from it.


Most people will respond to a brief in the hope they will get the opportunity to get work and to gain experience. Then from here they will be able to add to their portfolio which will then allow them to expand there work load in the future.

This project for me gave me the chance to learn what working for an actual client was like and needing them to like it. Not just the fact it was for me an my personal grade. I understood that the camera quality would need to be the best possible so we took as many shots as we needed for the project. We had to set up the cameras for the shot in a professional way for the interviews that I was apart of, this was to make sure that we had the best shots possible. We didn't really do more than one thing at a time as there was enough of us in the group to do everything we needed at once. I bough camera placement to the group, like where it should be or so on.

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