Tuesday 5 June 2018

The Technical Side Of Editing.

What do the numbers 16:9 refer to?

These numbers are what the aspect ratio of a screen are 16:9 are normally what newer TVs are but older ones used to be 4:3 so the image that would be displayed would look a lot more square then what it would now as 16:9 is what we would call widescreen.

What is the frame size of a 1080p video file?

 The frame size of a 1080p video file is 1920 by 1080 and this is how many pixels are being displayed on the screen at one time.

If you have a video file which is 720:50p what is the frame rate and what does the p stand for?

720:50p stands for how many pixels your working with and what the frame rate is. So your filming in 1280 by 720 and 50 frames per second and the p stands progressive scan.

What is the difference between P and I?  

The difference between progressive and interlaced is that P is going to be sharper, faster moving and easier to watch. This is also mainly used for Blue rays and game consoles. I would flicker or even blur more during action scenes or sports.

What frame rate is real film shot at?

Real film is shot at a steady rate of 24 frames.

What might be the advantages of filming in higher frame rate?

The advantage would be to film at a smoother rate so it would be easier on the eyes this also helps to film in slow motion as you would be able to film and the slow motion wouldn't look choppy.

what defines a lossy file?

A lossy file is a file that is highly compressed where as less compressed files are called lossless.

Name three file types commonly used in video editing?


What is the difference between a file type and a codec?

A file type is the container. The codec is the way the file gets compressed to go in the container and then uncompressed to read what it is.

What is bitrate?

It is the rate a file takes to process information. the higher the bitrate that is needed is the more powerful the computer which is needed. 

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